Full Stack Development with Ruby on Rails 6


This is our first mini-course on the implementation of CRUD using AJAX and Rails 6. We will implement AJAX with rails 6 and using Twitter Bootstrap(version 5), Popper.js and JQuery. In this mini-course you will learn the basics of rails, serving assets using webpacker, using ruby gems and many more thing.

What is Rails

In this video we will see how to create a fresh new rails application and how to add our own custom controller and replace default welcome page with our own.

Create a new rails application from scratch

In this video, we will see How to install Twitter Bootstrap 5, Jquery, PopperJs using yarn and configure webpacker.

Create custom controller and set new root page for application

In this video we will see how we can use partials in rails. We will add header and footer partial with some bootstrap styles. This way you can learn how to create, organize and render partials in your application.

Create more custom actions and routes and views

In this video, we will add some bootstrap classes to our home page and make it better.

Explain MVC Architecture of Rails

In Part 3 of our series, we will learn about the MVC architecture of rails, Rails scaffolding, Model validations, and generating fake data using faker ruby gem. In this video, we will know about MVC architecture and its work in detail.

Explain ActiveRecord in brief and Create a Project model

In this video, we will add our first resource using scaffolding.A scaffold is a set of automatically generated files that forms the basic structure of a Rails.

Explain ActionController in brief and Create controller and views for project Model

In this video, we will add validations to the same resource which was added in the last lecture. Validations are important in handling business logic in a better way. Please go through the entire video and you will learn how to add validations in the rails model.

Perform CRUD

In this video, we will see how to use ruby gems in a rails application. We will use "faker" gem for generating fake/dummy data. This dummy data can be important in various cases. The main objective of this video is to avoid record creation manually.

Add Bootstrap 5, JQuery, Popper using Yarn

In this video, we will add bootstrap elements to our resource view pages. We will design index, new, edit and show pages for users using the bootstrap grid system.

Explain partials in Rails

In this part of video, we will learn about AJAX and their pros and cons. Please go through all videos of this part and you will learn how to implement CRUD using AJAX.

Add header and footer partials

In this video, we will implement AJAX for creating a new user. Here we will replace the new user form with a bootstrap 5 modal popup. You will see how to open a bootstrap5 modal and render form partial into that modal.

Add bootstrap styles to Project resource

In this video, we will implement AJAX for updating an existing user. Here we will replace the edit user form with a bootstrap 5 modal popup. Just like creating a new user with AJAX, you will see how to open a bootstrap5 modal and render form partial for editing an existing user into that modal.

Explain scaffolding in Rails

In this video, we will implement AJAX for showing user details. Here we will replace the show page for user into a bootstrap 5 modal popup. Just like creating and updating a user with AJAX, you will see how to open a bootstrap5 modal and render partial for showing user details into that modal.

Create a new resource using scaffolding

In this video, we will implement AJAX for deleting an existing user. We will also see how to return response when request come as AJAX(JS) to a rails controller.

Add bootstrap styles to developer views

So far we have implemented all CRUD actions using AJAX. But we have not handled validation errors inside the bootstrap modal form while creating and updating a user. In this video, we will handle these validation errors and display them into bootstrap5 modal.

Explain ActiveRecord Validations

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Applying validations on Project and Developer models

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Debugging Rails Application

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explain rails migrations

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Create migrations for altering Project and Developer models

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explain ActiveRecord associations and its type

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Implement many to many association between Project and Developer

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explaining difference between has_many: :through and has_and_belongs_to_many

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explaining polymorphic Association

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explaining Usage of Ruby gems

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add Devise gem for admin user

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add friendly id gem for providing slug to project model

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explain Action Mailer

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

User letter opener gem for email preview

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Assigning a project to a developer and send email to developer

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explain routing in more details

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add namespace routes for projects and developers

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Explain ActiveStorage and its usage

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add ActiveStorage attachment for storing developer avatar

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add Ransack gem for searching through projects and developer

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Add Kaminari gem for demonstrating pagination

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.

Deploying project to heroku

In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.


In this part of our mini-course series, Here we will remove unused files and conclude this course.